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Dear Pastor:


Greetings in Jesus Name! I hope this letter finds you well! Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to look over this information. I hope you find it informative and enjoyable.


During 50 years of full and part time music evangelism I’ve seen many sides of ministry. From long established traditional congregations to brand new works. From the razor wire of our inner-cities and prison systems, to the “shanty” churches of the foreign field, as well as the corporate stage. I’ve see people hungry for real answers to real problems. It has been a joy to be part of God’s message through music ministry.

One question that is always asked: "how much do you charge?" As is stated below, this ministry operates on a love offering basis and the sale of my albums. There is no funny business. No asking for more money after a service. As a matter of fact the Lord told me early on to never talk about money. So I don't. One more thing the Lord spoke to me was to never close doors that He opens. Therefore, the size of a congregation is never a determining factor for where I minister.


Pastor, I would love to meet your congregation and minister for you. Like most itinerant ministries, ours is supported through love offerings plus expenses (food, lodging and a nominal gas allowance). You may reach me at: Until I see you, God Bless!


Greg Winn
Greg Winn Music Ministries 





"It is my pleasure to recommend Greg Winn to you as a ministry guest who will bless your church with inspiring music and challenging words. He is a combination of a talented singer, songwriter and saxophonist blended with a competent ministry. He is both anointed and professional in his presentation."

Bruce McCarty

Senior Pastor

Owasso First Assembly

Greg's Pastor


"I have truly been blessed to have Greg come into the prisons with me where he ministered in word and music. His ablility to play multiple instruments coupled with his intense zeal to reach people for the Lord and to minister to the hurting was truly life-changing to the ones in attendance. I give Greg a high recommendation!"

Mike Barber

Founder: Proclaim Prison Ministries

Former All Pro Tight End: Houston Oilers




"Without a doubt Greg Winn is one of the most talented music ministers I know. His 40-year tenure in the ever-changing landscape of music speaks volumes of his versatility, innovation and dedication to his calling. Great music is transendant. It speaks to the heart of everyone regardless of age, gender or race. God has uniquely gifted some among us to be vessels through which this divine gift flows. Greg Winn is one of these people. I strongly encourage you to invest in your congregation's Spiritual well being by inviting Greg to come and share his anointed music ministry. You will not be disappointed or regret your decision."


Mike Harper

Church Planting and Developement Director

North Texas District of the Assemblies of God




"My friend Greg Winn has always provided ministry high in quality and anointing. Our people are always excited to have Greg come to our church and are always blessed and ministered to. While they are certainly entertained by the professional quality of his music and presentation, more importantly the anointing of the Holy Spirit flows through his life and touches the hearts of the people."

Roger Lewis

Lead Pastor

Life Church, Keller, TX


"It was a pleasure to work with Greg because he is truly a dlightful and fun person. I had never met him before, but it didn't seem to matter; he was very relaxed and wasn't your typical 'performer' that needed to be pampered. To add icing to the cake, Greg's performance was impeccable, laced with enjoyment but not without a sinse of the presence of the Lord. It was one of the most enjoyable ministry treats experienced by our congregation to date. Sometimes we are challenged to find someone or something to cross generational lines, but Greg transended the generational gap. We will most definately have Greg back agian."


Ronnie Morris

Senior Pastor

First Assembly, Russellville, AR


"It is my pleasure to recommend to you the person and ministry of Greg Winn. I have known Greg for several years. He has ministered in our services, and I have always been pleased with the spirit and effectiveness of his ministry. I encourage you to give Greg consideration as you plan for musical guests at your church."

Kent Duncan

Senior Pastor

Jefferson Assembly, Meriden, KS



"Greg Winn possesses a truly exceptional blend of gifts which make him a “must have” visiting worship artist for your church! He brings a rare combination of skills as speaker, worship leader, vocal and saxophone soloist that packs a serious punch leaving you feeling refreshed, spiritually uplifted and entertained all in the same meeting. I have worked with Greg in a number of different ministry contexts and always come away feeling enlarged by his big vision of what worship can and should be in the church today."

Dennis Gill

Pastor of Worship Arts

Asbury Church, Wichita, Kansas



"Greg Winn is an accomplished singer and musician. your congregation would be blessed by the ministry of Greg. You have my word on it."

Ken Woods

Senior Pastor (Ret.)

Bethel Life Church, Wichita, KS


"I would like to recommend to you the ministry of Greg Winn. He is a gifted musician and singer that has blessed us at Grace Pointe in Carthage, Missouri. We have had him on nine occassions and have him booked for the next two years. 


As pastor I know that you receive many calls for music groups and musicians to come to your church for ministry. May I just make some distinctions concerning this ministry. the absolute best musician we have ever had. He mixes his songs with fun and exhortation, involving the congregation throughout the program. He carries the whole serevice and leads to an altar call when appropriate. He comes both Spiritually and musically prepared. We had about a dozen salvations and recommitments in the Christmas service last year.


The quality of the whole presentation is totally professional, yet he is personal and winsome. Our congregation responds to his ministry with great enthusiasm. I promise you that you will not be disappointed if you schedule Greg to come to your church or other venue."

Larry Graham

Senior Pastor

Grace Pointe Church, Carthage, MO



"After you've heard him once you will want to have him back again and again. God's people are blessed, encouraged, and built up and sinners are drawn to Christ through his services."

Ken Robinson

Senior Pastor

Abundant Life, Neosho, MO

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